Friday, 22 June 2012

Day 2 - Broccoli Salad

So my menu today was actually supposed to consist of this delicious sounding Black Bean and Avocado Salad (with corn, cilantro & lime!). However, our avocados are not ready yet so we had to settle for another concoction of veggies from the fridge: Broccoli.

Mark actually loves Broccoli Salad because his mom used to make it a lot when he was growing up. I like it but am not really a huge fan of Miracle Whip or Mayo. However, all in all, it was a good, sweet salad. 

 So we added some purple onion (a little too much actually!). 1/4 cup would have been perfect to a large bowl of broccoli (about 3 cups).
We added some raisins, almonds and sunflower seeds to the broccoli/onion mix.

Then we mixed about 1/2 cup of Miracle Whip and about 3 tbsps of white vinegar together (you are supposed to add sugar but we omitted that!) and mixed this all together.
 Mark used this in his salad. I personally cannot stand the thought of pork, let alone "fake" pork but to each their own! He just sprinkled some of this on the top of his salad.

Finally, we mixed it all together and here is the final product:

Yummy Broccoli Salad!

I am off to search for some new inventive salads for later this week! If you have any suggestions, please send them my way! :)

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